Take Your Website Away From The Lamestream

We Suggest Some Resources for Young People To Start a Website That’s Different.

So you’re thinking of starting a website to build a following. But you don’t want your website to just look like any old website. You want it to have a different look, a different feel, and be something you can be truly proud of. These are some ideas I’ve been jotting down about how to make a website that’s truly different:

Web Hosting:

If you’re going to make a website that you actually own, then you need website hosting. Now, there are sites like Blogger, WordPress.com and Tumblr that will let you make a quick website for free, but here’s the catch:
You don’t own anything you put on that website.

It’s their property, and they can do what they want with it: censor it, erase it, make money off it. You’re just feeding a corporate machine to save a couple dollars.

But you don’t want to buy hosting from douchebag companies like GoDaddy (CEO’s an elephant killer) or Hostgator (owned by multinational conglomerate).

There are a few web hosts that are actually Eco-friendly. They use wind-energy to power their servers, or purchase carbon offset credits to …

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